Ten Signs Your Dog is Smarter than You

Smart Dog

Most of us tend to think our dogs are pretty smart and on occasion they have even been known to outwit us, at least temporarily. So how can you tell if your dog is really smart... maybe even smarter than you? Here's a few indications...

1. Neighbors complain about loud music and howling coming from your apartment in the middle of the day when you're at work
2. You find mysterious sculpture of a human (who looks strikingly like you) on a leash in your living room
3. Ice floating in toilet water
4. Neighborhood cats bring dog treats to your doorstep
5. Friends swear they've seen your car at the local meat-processing plant and you know you didn't go there
6. You can never find the leftovers
7. The remote is covered with slobber, and the TV was left on Animal Planet
8. The dog doesn't lick itself anymore... now it's the cat's job
9. Mensa mailings addressed to "Rover"
10. Your apartment keys no longer work



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